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Skíðavörur í miklu úrvali
Aðeins það besta er nógu gott, Elan & Alpina skíðavörur
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Með Elan svigskíðum
Frábær gönguskíði og skór
frá Alpina
Vandaðir skíðaskór fyrir alla fjölskylduna
Elan - Svigskíði
ELAN Primetime N*2 W Black PS EL
Designed with assured versatility and agility, Primetime N°2 is delivers easy, forgiving performance for effortless piste-crusing. Harness accessible performance with ease on the Primetime N°2. The […]
75.996kr. -
ELAN Element 78 LS EL10,0 GW 152
VERÐ MEÐ BINDINGUM. Take your skiing to the next level with the smooth flex, exceptional grip, and stable feel of Element 78. Skiers of all ability […]
70.396kr. -
ELAN Wingman 82 CTI FX EMX 12.
VERÐ MEÐ BINDINGUM. PISTE SUPERIOR Nimble and quick, the Wingman 82 CTi carves like a knife on hard pack and navigates ungroomed snow with superior confidence. […]
138.995kr. – 149.995kr.
111.196kr. – 119.996kr.
Alpina - Gönguskíði
Rex 621 Steel Brush
5.995kr.Product description Used for opening the base structure during ski waxing or removing old ski wax. The stainless steel brush is particularly effective in removing wax, […]
Peltonen Skis Infra C Skin
89.995kr.Peltonen Infra X Skin Classic Infra X Skin is a new kick wax free ski with full racing ski features. Build up from the same top elements as […]
Peltonen Rex Skí Pole Astra Carb/Fib
9.995kr.Peltonen Rex Skí Pole Astra Carb/Fib. The Astra rod is an excellent choice for quality-conscious hobbyists in terms of price-quality ratio. The carbon fiber content of the […]
Peltonen Ski Bag fyrir/4-5 Pör
5.995kr.Peltonen Peltonen skíðataska 4-5 pör Lítil skíðataska fyrir 4 til 5 pör af skíðum, eða nokkur pör af skíðum og stöngum. Mjög léttur og meðfærilegur. Passar […]
Rottefella BC Xplore Anti-ice Plate
2.995kr.Rottefella Rottefella Xplore BC Pivot Plate A stiffer plate for Xplore BC Bindings. Improves mobility and ascending. Comes in pairs.
Nordic Elite Pro Class Red/Bl/White
62.995kr.Alpina Elite Pro Class gönguskíðaskór. Vandaðir klassískir gönguskór fyrir keppnisfólk eða til æfinga. Góð alhliða veðurvörn og stuðningur við fótinn. 4DRY hönnun sem tryggir að fóturinn haldist […]
Elan - Fjallaskíði
BD Probe QD Pro Probe 240
Black Diamond Quic Draw Pro 240 snjóflóðastöng. 240 cm löng koltrefjastöng. Fislétt en nógu löng til að nota í allar aðstæður. Hentar vel fyrir leiðsögumenn og björgunarsveitafólk. Helstu […]
14.995kr.11.996kr. -
About the product The Almonte 10 PT is the ultimate touring binding, an all-round design with the optimum balance of lightweight construction and excpetional performance. The […]
89.995kr.71.996kr. -
ELAN AGT Backpack
24.995kr.Lífsstílsbakpoki í meðalstærð Lífsstílsbakpoki gerður af uppáhalds vörumerkinu þínu með bólstruðu fartölvuhólfi, síma og vegabréfahólf, gerður úr góðu vatnsfráhrindandi efni. LYKILEGINLEIKAR Stórt rúmmálshólf Hólf fyrir íþróttafatnað […]
ELAN Skí Poles Tour Carbon Rod 95-140cm
Backcountry ready! The Tour Carbon Rod is developed for backcountry adventures. With finely selected components and material this is the perfect fit for your next touring […]
26.995kr.21.596kr. -
About the product The Almonte 12 PT is a high-perfomance touring binding, to take your backcountry adventures to the next level. Robust design and exceptional functionality, […]
94.995kr.75.996kr. -
ELAN RIPSTICK 96 Black Edition
VERÐ MEÐ BINDINGUM. TACTICAL FREERIDE A perennial favorite of magazine testers and professional skiers alike and known for its stable, powerful feel, the new Ripstick 96 […]
109.596kr. -
ELAN ION Crampon pr&hardware
G3 Ion Ski Crampon + Mounting Connection Hardware – Pair – Ski