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Skíðavörur í miklu úrvali
Aðeins það besta er nógu gott, Elan & Alpina skíðavörur
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Með Elan svigskíðum
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Elan - Svigskíði
ELAN Wildcat 76 LS ELW 9,0
Verð með bindingum. HAPPY CAT Ideal for effortless all mountain carving and cruising, the Wildcat 76 has the power to expand your limits by inspiring you […]
67.996kr. -
ELAN Element 74 Petrol LS EL10,
The Gateway to Good Times Build your skills on the easy turning, lightweight Element 74. Element 74 packs decades of experience in the mountains into a […]
63.996kr. -
ELAN Element 74 Wom RS LS EL 9
Get to know the easily harnessed agility and performance of Element 74 RS W. The slightly narrower shape of Element 74 RS W combined with Groove […]
63.996kr. -
ELAN Insomnia 14 TI PS ELW 9,0
Verð með bindingum. ALL DAY INSPIRATION The perfect women’s specific set up for those looking for a ski that is easy to control, inspires confidence and […]
87.996kr. -
ELAN Voyager Black
Making the Mountains Closer Ultimate Travel Companion. Conveniently folding to under one meter for easy transport and designed to happily tackle any terrain a demanding skier […]
223.996kr. -
ELAN Wingman 78 C PS EL 10.0
VERÐ MEÐ BINDINGUM. TRUSTED CO-PILOT Built for pilots looking to take performance to the next level, the Wingman 78 Ti has the stability and sweet spot […]
75.996kr. -
ELAN Element Blue LS EL10,0
VERÐ MEÐ BINDINGUM. LOVE AT FIRST CARVE A true game improvement tool, The Element is designed to boost your confidence on the snow helping you find […]
Alpina - Gönguskíði
Rottefella Move Switch Nis 2.0
18.995kr.ATH! Einungis ætlað aukalega með bindingum. Þessi vara er ekki binding. FOR BETTER GRIP AND GLIDE Rottefella MOVE™ Switch improves your skiing experience. Rottefella MOVE™ Switch […]
ELAN Skí Poles Tour Telescopic 95-140cm
ELAN Skí Poles Tour Telescopic 95-140cm.
16.995kr.13.596kr. -
Nordic Pro Class Red/Bl/White
69.995kr.PRO Line Choice of champions The Red Dot award was given to the PRO line of models, which includes footwear for both skating and classic cross-country […]
Rottefella BC Xplore Offtrack
39.995kr.Rottefella Rottefella Xplore Back Country Bindings Rottefella’s nýhönnuð baklandsbinding með bættri hreyfigetu. Snúningspunkturinn var færður nær fætinum til að veita betri stöðugleika og hreyfanleika á meðan […]
Elan - Fjallaskíði
BD Probe QD Pro Probe 240
Black Diamond Quic Draw Pro 240 snjóflóðastöng. 240 cm löng koltrefjastöng. Fislétt en nógu löng til að nota í allar aðstæður. Hentar vel fyrir leiðsögumenn og björgunarsveitafólk. Helstu […]
14.995kr.11.996kr. -
About the product The Almonte 10 PT is the ultimate touring binding, an all-round design with the optimum balance of lightweight construction and excpetional performance. The […]
89.995kr.71.996kr. -
ELAN AGT Backpack
24.995kr.Lífsstílsbakpoki í meðalstærð Lífsstílsbakpoki gerður af uppáhalds vörumerkinu þínu með bólstruðu fartölvuhólfi, síma og vegabréfahólf, gerður úr góðu vatnsfráhrindandi efni. LYKILEGINLEIKAR Stórt rúmmálshólf Hólf fyrir íþróttafatnað […]
ELAN Skí Poles Tour Carbon Rod 95-140cm
Backcountry ready! The Tour Carbon Rod is developed for backcountry adventures. With finely selected components and material this is the perfect fit for your next touring […]
26.995kr.21.596kr. -
About the product The Almonte 12 PT is a high-perfomance touring binding, to take your backcountry adventures to the next level. Robust design and exceptional functionality, […]
94.995kr.75.996kr. -
ELAN RIPSTICK 96 Black Edition
VERÐ MEÐ BINDINGUM. TACTICAL FREERIDE A perennial favorite of magazine testers and professional skiers alike and known for its stable, powerful feel, the new Ripstick 96 […]
109.596kr. -
ELAN ION Crampon pr&hardware
G3 Ion Ski Crampon + Mounting Connection Hardware – Pair – Ski