ELAN Skin Vax
Special paraffin wax to prevent skins from icing up. In handy 40g plastic box. Details Code DTSA0221000
1.995kr.1.596kr. -
Rex 512 Skin Cleaner 170ml
4.495kr.Product description Effective cleaner for all skin skis. Safe for all manufacturers’ mohair inserts. Hydrocarbon-free, does not weaken the glue of the insert. After treatment, apply […]
Rex 513 Glide Cleaner „UHW“ 170ml
4.495kr.Product description Fluorinated 2-way glide surface cleaner/glider. Cleanses the base as well as Rex Remover, but without making the base turn gray and dry. Apply generously […]
Rex 621 Steel Brush
5.995kr.Product description Used for opening the base structure during ski waxing or removing old ski wax. The stainless steel brush is particularly effective in removing wax, […]
Rex 6mm Oblique Ski Scraper
1.295kr.Product description 6mm Rex Acrylic scraper for scraping waxes and cleaning skies. The approximate size of the packed product or the sales package is 150 x […]
Rex 747 Waxing Iron 230V/1200W
14.995kr.Product description A robust 1200W waxing iron crafted to fulfill the needs of professionals. This tool features a thick base that ensures consistent heat distribution, making […]
Toko Performance Black 40 gr
2.995kr.Toko Performance Black 40gr. Bræðslu vax með DLC aukaefni fyrir allar greinar. Virkar sem grunnvax fyrir óhreinan snjó og grófan gervisnjó í bland við keppnisvax Æskilegar aðstæður: […]
Toko Performance Red 120 gr
5.495kr.Toko Base Performance Red vax. Miðlungs hart, umhverfisvænt “HydroCarbon” vax fyrir æfingar og vörn fyrir botninn. Æskilegar aðstæður: Snjó hitastig: -4° — -12°C Loft hitastig: -2° — -11°C […]