The JUNIOR collection is perfect for children taking their first steps and playing around in the snow, as well as for young racers on the way to their first personal victories. These boots were designed with the attention, experience, and technologies once used for advanced adult skiers and then adapted for the youngest generation. The selection of many models is totally adjustable, all of them being easy to fasten or release. Ergonomically designed shapes are dressed with a soft, fuzzy lining that will make youngsters crazy about skiing.
Carbon Tour snjóflóðastöng frá Pieps. Einföld í samsetningu. Sentimetra-mælikvarði á stönginni til að mæla dýpt. Lengd: 260cm Sverleiki: 12,5mm Leggir: 6 stk Þyngd: 295 gr Lengd: 300cm Sverleiki: 12,5mm […]
Acapulka Waist púlkubelti. Mittisbeltið er létt, þægilegt og bólstrað með mjúkum svamp fyrir þægindi. Það er hægt að stilla það bæði að framan og aftan. Efnið í beltinu […]